Serratus Shrug
March 14, 2025
Overhead Shrugs - Serratus anterior - YouTube - ⭕️BARBELL SHRUGS⭕️\u2063\u2063 \u2063\u2063 As always, thanks to @champagnepapi for teaching us science & biomechanics, through memes. \u2063\u2063 \u2063\u2063 Anyway, to strengthen the upper trapezius muscle, shrugs against resistance are usually Serratus Shrug\u2063 \u2063 Helps develop the serratus muscles which sits on your rib cage and below the chest. \u2063 \u2063 The serratus muscles helps stabilise the... | By Andy Creed The Fitness Advisor | Facebook Serratus Shrug